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A Mile Closer to the Stars

Masquerade - What to Expect


Before the Convention

We'd like to be able to plan the best possible Event for the benefit of our audience. We've put together a great staff. Our judges are very experienced artists in their own right. Our Master of Ceremonies, Tech Crew, and backstage crew are all here to make sure you get everything you need to give your best to the audience.

Please complete the Online Masquerade Registration Form if you have costume information available before Worldcon.

Before the Masquerade

At-Con registration will be open Wednesday 2 pm - 8 pm, Thursday 10 am - 8 pm, and Friday 9 am -10 am in the Convention Center's D Lobby, near convention Registration.


Paper registration forms will be available at the Masquerade Registration Desk.

Fill in as much information as you can ahead of time and submit it along the way. We will make provision for you to change that information until Masquerade Registration closes.

You will be required to rehearse in the Wells Fargo Theater at the convention center. You will be assigned a rehearsal time when you check in at the Masquerade Registration Desk. Rehearsals will be scheduled for Friday between 10am and noon, and 1pm and 3pm. More time may be allocated should the number of slots be exceeded. No one will be allowed to present on stage if they have not rehearsed with our Stage Manager and Tech Crew.

Your presentation will be limited to 60 seconds. Make your presentation as short and to the point as possible. Entries with three or more people should discuss presentation plans with the Masquerade Director.

Contestants competing in the Re-Creation category must provide at least one photograph of the original work at Masquerade Registration. Some Judges may not be familiar with the work you are copying.

Please provide documentation sufficient for the Workmanship Judge to fairly and impartially evaluate your work. The Judge will have a limited amount of time to review your work and your documentation, so please don't write a novel. Photos, design sketches, screen shots, and short written descriptions of your work are encouraged.

The only person allowed to speak from the stage is the MC. He will be happy to work with you in reading a short script or to interact with you as planned ahead of time. Please provide your script in black ink on white paper with your name and entry title on it at the top, and your script in at least 18-point type in a plain and easy to read font. Remember, the MC will only have a small light on his podium and it will help you if your script is clearly legible.

All your speech and music must be pre-recorded and two copies handed in to Tech through the Masquerade Registration Desk as early as possible. Provide your recordings on CD or CDR (no CD-RWs). It is strongly suggested that you put only the music and/or speech that you want us to play on the CD you hand to us. Make and bring multiple copies so that you won't be out of luck should your CD become unusable prior to the competition.

Special effects must be cleared with the Masquerade Director and Tech Director before the competition. The best time to do this is before the Tech Rehearsal so that we can schedule enough time for that rehearsal for all of us (and you!) to feel comfortable that your effects will work.

NEVER surprise the crew. ALWAYS surprise the audience. Together we can insure that both these goals are achieved.

Theater Layout for Masquerade

The Masquerade will be held in the Wells Fargo Theater.

A careful survey of the theater was made in early May by both the Masquerade Director and Tech Director. The Masquerade Green Room will use most of the space above the stage as shown in the right hand diagram. We determined that the capacity of this space is 128 people, comfortably. This is the factor which set the entry limit for the show.

The Green Room area is set up for Rock Concerts. There are comfortable star dressing rooms which can accommodate a few people each, with mirrors and bathrooms as well as comfortable seating in each. The multipurpose rooms are much larger and can accommodate many people with large, well-lighted mirrors and sinks in them, as well as tables and chairs. They have easy access to bathrooms. The cafeteria has tables, chairs, and easy access to bathrooms. If you bring your own padlock you may use the locker room, with actual lockers. The Green Room area has most of a kitchen set up as well as tables, chairs, and a sofa. There will be coat racks scattered throughout the area.

The Stage will be modified to allow a performance area of 60 feet across and 30 feet deep. The MC will be at a podium at the front of this area, far stage left. Entries are encouraged to enter stage right, perform, and exit stage left behind the curtains. You will be passing behind the curtain during the next performance, so please pass slowly so as to limit any effects on the curtain (they are full stage curtains).

The floor is flat throughout the Masquerade Green Room area and all the way onto and off of the stage. There is sufficient space to stage large objects off stage in the area marked Stage Door 16. Please notify the Masquerade Director ahead of time if you are planning to bring any large objects to use on the stage.

Restrictions on Costumes and Props

There will be absolutely no flame, fires, sparks, or other flaming on stage. If you are a dragon, plenty of fake and safe flame is welcome.

If you are carrying a weapon on stage, we need to know ahead of time. Clear all weapons before the convention with the . There will be no sharp edges allowed on weapons. No weapon will be allowed if it ejects or shoots projectiles. If you are pointing a weapon at each other or at anyone in the audience, it must be demonstrated to NOT WORK and not shoot before the Masquerade.

Any weapon allowed in the Masquerade but otherwise restricted by the Convention must be carried to and from the Masquerade Green Room under cover and peace bonded.

Wireless (radio) Remote Controlled Devices are discouraged. We do not know what sort of interference will exist in the Theater during the show. It would be a shame to base your entry on something that doesn't work and that we cannot predict ahead of the show.

We will make efforts to have two Masquerade Green Rooms this year. One available to people up to 13 years of age, and the general green room. Please check this space for updated information.

Do not construct or decorate yourself or your costume or props with anything messy, smelly, or slimy. All parts of your costume must come in and leave with you.

Each person may appear only once on stage.

While you may participate in the Masquerade in a purchased or rented costume, your costume is not eligible for a Masquerade award. It is possible to show those costumes OUT OF COMPETITION.

There is NO restriction on costumes being worn at this convention or prior conventions before the competition. We ask that you use your best judgment about whether to enter in or out of competition (if you're not sure, ask us). If you have won an award at an International Competition with this costume, please consider competing up one level or presenting out of competition. We do want to see your costumes here.


There will be both Official Photography and Fan Photography. We also expect audience members to be taking non-flash photos during the presentations.

In the hallways many fans may wish to take your picture. It is entirely your choice whether to allow people to take your picture.

There will be NO FLASH photography from the audience. Your friends will be ejected from the room should they be found to be taking flash pictures from the audience.

In the Masquerade Green Room

You will find out the presentation order for the show when you arrive at the Masquerade Green Room. Sign in at the desk with the person in charge.

You will be assigned a den and given over to the care of your assigned Den Mom (may be male or female). If you need anything, please let them know.

There will be a Repair Table available for your use. Please do not abuse this privilege. It is here to provide safety pins, a little glue, a dab of makeup. Do not expect to use the table for large projects, it is here to cover last-minute emergencies.

The Official Photographer will be located in the immediate area. Your Den Mom will take you for photos. A separate photographer will be taking pictures of your costumes as reference for the judges and will help them identify you when they are in deliberations. Official Photos will be made available for sale both to you and to any convention member on Saturday.

Your Presentation

You may surprise the audience and we would be happy to help you. It is imperative that the Tech Crew, the MC, and the Masquerade Director are completely aware of what you plan to do on stage. No exceptions.

Young Fans will appear first in the Competition. All Presentation Rules still apply. Entrants will be returned to the Masquerade Green Room following their presentations. Their awards will be awarded before the adults' entries start. After Young Fan Awards, entrants will be free to visit Fan Photography, go to bed, watch from the audience, or return to the convention at large in the charge of their parents and/or guardians.

Not only is this Masquerade rated PG-13 - it is also highly rated for safety.

Your Den Mom will make sure that you get into the Theater in the right order and on time to make your best entrance.

There will be Stage Ninjas (people in black) both at the entrance and exit from the Stage. They are there to help you with a hand up, to move your props onto or off the stage, and to catch you if you stumble. It's up to you to tell them how much assistance you need. The more assistance you need, the earlier you should let them know. So, if you have big props, please tell them all about it at rehearsal. Tell the Masquerade Director in your Masquerade Registration as well. That way we'll have the right people there to help you.

There will also be Stage Ninjas at key points around the stage to try to stop you from stepping off the stage by mistake. Do not run, skip, jump, or dance so fast that the best they can do is let you go. You are ultimately responsible for your own safety.

Your presentation will be limited to 60 seconds. After 60 seconds your lights and sound will fade, or we'll find a hook to remove you. Entries with three or more people should discuss presentation plans with the Masquerade Director. Remember, SF fans are easily bored. You will make your best presentation by making sure they have enough time to see your whole costume, see what you can do once, and then leave the stage. A good costume and presentation can be ruined by taking too long on stage.

Fan photography will be taking place from the audience during the masquerade and in a designated area outside the Theater. Some fan photographers may be offering free or paid copies of their pictures to you and others. Make direct arrangements with any Fan Photographer you wish to do business with. We will make a list of as many Fan Photographers as possible available to you after the convention.

After you've given your presentation, we advise you to return to the Masquerade Green Room. Feel free to get comfortable. Watch the competition on TV. Watch half time entertainment in the Masquerade Green Room or from the audience. Be available.

Awards will be given when the Judges are ready. Be prepared to be called back onto the stage for awards.

Workmanship Awards will be given, then Presentation Awards. You may be called onto the stage more than once for different awards.

Presentation Judging

The Presentation Judges will be looking at your costume from the audience viewpoint. They will look at the costume itself as well as how it works with the music/script/choreography on stage. Even a mediocre costume can win an award if the presentation is well done. Remember, funny is good, shorter is better, short and funny is best.

Workmanship Judging

This judging will be to evaluate the best parts of your costume, up close and personal. Please indicate to the Workmanship Judge specifically what you are most proud of in your costume. Tell them a little about how you made your costume.

If in doubt, visit with the Workmanship Judge even if you're not that impressed with your work on your costume. Leave it to their judgment whether your work is special in the context of this competition.

Skill Divisions

These divisions are based on Guidelines published by the International Costumers' Guild and have been modified for this competition. As always, when in doubt check with the Masquerade Director before the competition.

  • Craftsman/Master
    • Anyone who is considered a Master in International Competition, or
    • Anyone who is considered a Craftsman in Regional Competition, or
    • Anyone who is a professional costume maker, or
    • Anyone who has won three or more awards as a Journeyman at the Regional or International level, or
    • Anyone who chooses to compete in this division
  • Journeyman
    • Anyone who does not need to enter as a Craftsman or Master or
    • Anyone who has won at least one award as a Journeyman at the Regional or International level, or
    • Anyone who has won at least three awards as a Novice at the Regional or International level, or
    • Anyone who chooses to compete in this division
  • Novice
    • Anyone who does not need to enter as a Journeyman or
    • Anyone who has won fewer than three awards as a Novice at the Regional or International level, or
    • Anyone who has just become old enough to NOT qualify for the Young Fan Division
  • Young Fan
    • Anyone who is under 13 on the day of the competition (born on or after August 8, 1995), and
    • Anyone who is also not part of an adult group.

A group should compete in the skill division of the group's most experienced member.


Original - a costume inspired by a Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mythological, or other original source, but whose design is the creation of the contestant.

Re-Creation - a costume whose design is copied from a film, television series, art, comics, theatrical presentation, book illustration or other medium showing at least one good view of the costume. Recreation costumes are duplicates or design adaptations of the published design work of someone other than the contestant. Recreation costumes require documentation of source. A picture or written description must accompany your registration forms.

After the Masquerade

On Saturday you will have the opportunity to retrieve your CDs, CDRs, any documentation we can return, order Official Photos for purchase, and participate in the Masquerade Show and Tell session on the program. Please make sure to drop by the Masquerade Registration Desk and/or be at the Show and Tell session. We reserve the right to NOT mail your stuff to you after the convention.

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Contact us at or Denvention 3 , PO Box 1349, Denver, CO 80201.