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A Mile Closer to the Stars

Business Meeting Agenda
Including Business Passed On from Nippon 2007

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1. Committee Reports

Committee reports may include motions. Motions made by committees consisting of more than one person need not be seconded.

1.1. Mark Protection Committee (Including Nominations for MPC)
The Mark Protection Committee will meet at a time to be announced, probably on Wednesday evening of the convention. A formal report is unlikely to be available until the Friday Business Meeting at the earliest.

Nominations for the WSFS Mark Protection Committee are in order at the Preliminary Business Meeting. Nominees must accept nomination and indicate their current residence zone within one hour of the end of the Preliminary Business Meeting.

The members whose terms of office expire at this Worldcon are: Lynn Anderson (Central), Stephen Boucher (RotW), Sue Francis (Central). Due to zone residency restrictions, of the three MPC members who will be elected at Denvention 3, we can elect at most one person from the Western zone, two from the Central zone, one person from the Eastern zone, and 3 people from the Rest of the World. Write-in votes are allowed, but write-in candidates must submit their consent to election by the close of balloting. (See the head table staff for a nomination acceptance form.)

Mark Protection Committee members are:

Elected 2005, term ending in 2008: Lynn Anderson (Central), Stephen Boucher (RotW), Sue Francis (Central)
Elected 2006, term ending in 2009: Scott Dennis (Central), Donald Eastlake III (East), Ruth Sachter (West)
Elected 2007, term ending in 2010: Ben Yalow (East), Kevin Standlee (West), Tim Illingworth (RotW);
Worldcon Representatives: L.A. Con IV - Craig Miller, Nippon 2007 - Bob Macintosh, Tuckercon/Archon 31 - the 9th NASFiC - Steve Norris, Denvention 3 - Kent Bloom, Anticipation - Adrienne Seal.
Non-Voting Appointees: Secretary - Linda Deneroff.

1.2. Nitpicking & Flyspecking Committee
The Nitpicking and Flyspecking Committee members are Don Eastlake, Tim Illingworth, Pat McMurray and Kevin Standlee.

1.3. Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee
The Worldcon Runners' Guide Editorial Committee member is Sharon Sbarsky (Chair) and others to be advised.

1.4. Hugo Eligibility Rest of the World (HEROW) Committee
The HEROW Committee members are Vince Docherty (Chair), Perianne Lurie, Pam Fremon, Paul Haggerty, Gayle Surette and Kevin Standlee.

1.5. Formalization of Long List Entries (FOLLE) Committee
The FOLLE Committee members are Mark Olson (Chair), Craig Miller, Dave Grubbs, Joe Siclari, Kent Bloom, Richard Lynch, Kevin Standlee, Tim Illingworth, and Vince Docherty.

1.6. The Taming the Digital Wilderness Committee
The Taming the Digital Wilderness Committee are Glenn Glazer (Chair), Paul Haggerty, Gayle Surette, Ben Yalow, Seth Breidbart, Cheryl Morgan, Tim Illingworth and Peter Wilkinson.

1.7 Hugo Awards Marketing Committee
The Hugo Awards Marketing Committee is a subcommittee of the Mark Protection Committee. It was previously known as the Higher and Stronger Hugo (HASH) Committee. Its members are Craig Miller (Chair), Deb Geisler (Vice Chair), Cheryl Morgan, Mark Olson, and Kevin Standlee.

2. Worldcon Reports

2.1 Past Worldcons & NASFiC

2.1.1. ConAdian (1994)
2.1.2. The Millennium Philcon (2001)
2.1.3 CascadiaCon (2005)
2.1.4 L.A. con IV (2006)
2.1.5 Nippon 2007
2.1.6 Archon 31, the 9th NASFiC (2007)

2.2. Seated Worldcons

2.2.1 Denvention 3 (2008)
2.2.2 Anticipation (2009)

3. Business Passed On from Nippon 2007

The following Constitutional Amendments were approved at Nippon 2007 and passed on to Denvention 3 for ratification. If ratified, they will become part of the Constitution at the conclusion of Denvention 3. In all amendments, new text is shown in underline type and stricken text is shown in strikethru type.

3.1 Short Title: Gaughan Gone
Moved, To amend subsection 3.3.14 of the Constitution by striking the last sentence:

3.3.14: Best Fan Artist. An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public display during the previous calendar year. Any person whose name appears on the final Hugo Awards ballot for a given year under the Professional Artist category shall not be eligible in the Fan Artist category for that year.

3.2 Short Title: One-Vote Wonders
Moved, To amend section 3.9 of the Constitution by adding the following words to the end of Section 3.9: During the same period the nomination voting totals shall also be published, including in each category the vote counts for at least the fifteen highest vote-getters and any other candidate receiving a number of votes equal to at least five percent (5%) of the nomination ballots cast in that category, but not including any candidate receiving fewer than five (5) votes.

4. New Business

4.1. Resolutions
Items under this heading may be voted upon and final action taken by the Preliminary Business Meeting.

4.2. Standing Rules Amendments
Items under this heading may be voted upon and final action taken by the Preliminary Business Meeting. Standing rules amendments take effect at the conclusion of the 2008 Business Meeting unless given earlier effect by specific provision and a two-thirds vote.

4.3. Constitutional Amendments
Items under this heading have not yet received first passage, and will become part of the constitution only if passed at Denvention 3 and ratified at Anticipation. The Preliminary Business Meeting may amend items under this heading, set debate time limits, refer them to committee, and take other action as permitted under the Standing Rules.

5. Site Selection Business

5.1. Report of the 2010 Site Selection & Presentation by Winners

5.2. Reports by seated Worldcons
5.2.1. Anticipation (2009)

5.3. Presentation by future Worldcon & NASFiC bids
5.3.1. Presentation by bidders for 2010 NASFiC
5.3.2. Presentation by bidders for 2011
5.3.2. Presentation by bidders for years after 2011

6. Adjournment

6.1. Adjournment Sine Die

2007/2008 WSFS Constitution
WSFS Standing Rules

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at .

World Science Fiction Society, Post Office Box 1270, Kendall Square Station, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA. .

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