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A Mile Closer to the Stars

Exhibits Division

Ian Stockdale

Activity is ramping up in the Exhibits Division. We've reorganized a bit, tackled nuts and bolts tasks like measuring and drafting layouts, and primed the creativity pump discussing ideas for some interesting and attractive exhibits. We'll have Fan Tables, Fanzine Lounge, an exhibit of the Art and Artistry of Hollywood's Illustrators and Matte Artists, Rotsler Award winners, fan history exhibits (with special exhibits about the local convention MileHiCon and the previous Denver Worldcons), Costume Exhibit, the Pro Gallery and Fan Gallery, and of course the Hugo Award History Exhibit. We're also looking forward to working with the Programming Division on the Technology of Reading Exhibition Event. Our Art Show and Dealers' Room will showcase traditional Worldcon and Colorado artists and vendors. What a great opportunity for visitors to sample what the Colorado science fiction community has to offer, and for Colorado fans to experience Worldcon fare.

The Denver Convention Center is both attractive and welcoming. While many exhibits will be in the main exhibit hall (the prosaically named "Hall D"), we will take advantage of other areas in the building as well. There are spaces with wonderful natural light that will both enhance exhibits and provide a pleasant environment for the fannish exhibit-watcher.

We'd love to get your input on ideas for new and interesting exhibits. The convention theme is "A Mile Closer to the Stars." With this being the first Worldcon in Denver in many years, we'd like to explore connections to Denver, both fannish and otherwise. If you have an idea for an exhibit, we'd be glad to hear from you. Perhaps you have some cool artifacts that seem like they'd fit into a fannish exhibit but you're not sure how? ; we can put our best minds on the problem. We're also accepting proposals for commercial exhibits. Perhaps you'd even like to volunteer? If so, we'd be delighted to (as they say) explore opportunities. If you think that a previous query may have vanished into the ether, please drop us a line as well. Mail does occasionally go astray, and the ether (or spam filters) sometimes really does eat electronic communications.

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Contact us at or Denvention 3 , PO Box 1349, Denver, CO 80201.