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Fan Gallery

Christian B. McGuire

The Fan Gallery is part of the continuing Worldcon/NASFiC Exhibits. It is displayed at Worldcons in North America, and at NASFiC when Worldcon is overseas.

Whos in the Fan Gallery?

Fans who should be known outside their region for their contribution to fandom.

These are some of the qualifications that might apply to the collection. This list is approximatewe dont have photos of everyone in each category, and some people belong in the Fan Gallery for reasons not explained here. Its not an exact science, okay? If you would like to suggest people we ought to include, please send e-mail to and well take it under consideration.

  • Fan Hugo Winners
  • International Fan Fund winners, including TAFF, DUFF, GUFF, FFANZ
  • Worldcon Fan Guests of Honor (FGoH) and NASFiC Fan GoHs
  • Worldcon Chairs and NASFiC Chairs
  • Fan-related Worldcon Special Award Winners
  • Fan Hugo nominees
  • And other Big Name Fans and Well-Known Fans, such as people who have been Fan GoH at conventions outside their region, prominent fan writers, editors, artists, major con runners (e.g., department head outside their home region), con chairs, prolific letterhacks, prominent fannish webmasters, especially active newsgroup/mailing list posters, and major traveling party hosts.

Who Decides? Whos in Charge of the Fan Gallery?

The Fan Gallery is a project of the Southern California Institute for Fan Interests, Inc. (SCIFI) and is funded from the Benefit to Fandom money left over from the 1996 Worldcon surplus.

Chaz Boston Baden and Christian B. McGuire currently maintain the Fan Gallery in their spare time. Contactd them via e-mail at .

The Fan Gallery was created in 1997 and first exhibited at Loscon in that year. Since then it has been shown at Worldcon (1998, 2000, 2001), NASFiC (1999), and Loscon. The original collection of photos were taken by Stan Burns, David Dyer-Bennet, Mark Olson, and Bruce Pelz, with additional photos contributed by Eve Ackerman, Robbie Bourget, Esther Cole, Marjii Ellers, John D. Rickett, Dave Rike, Joyce Scrivner, and one or two other unidentified photographers. The Fan Gallery was maintained by Bruce Pelz from its inception until mid-2001.

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