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A Mile Closer to the Stars

Stargate-14 Boot Camp

The Denver-based Stargate Team SG-14 would like to invite you to participate in the Stargate Boot Camp during Denvention 3.

The purpose of this Boot Camp is to have fun and to provide the participants with the training, knowledge, and skills needed to become an accomplished member of the Stargate World.

Our Team Specialists will teach everything you always wanted to know about Stargate, but were afraid to ask we are experts in our respective fields. We are looking for fearless explorers, with a taste for adventure and ready to discover new cultures and civilizations. All we ask is an open mind and a steady arm. We only travel with the best!

The Stargate Boot Camp will be held Saturday, 9 August. After the successful completion of the Boot Camp, which includes SG training and a mission, the recruits will graduate and become honorary SG-14 members.

Saturday Morning 1000 to 1300

The recruits will attend six intensive but fun training sessions, full of props, costumes, wacky characters, interesting information, visual aids, and more. The six presentations are: SG Command, Science Labs, Research and Development, Medical, Weapons and Combat, and Atlantis. A welcome package with SG-14 info, copy of the presentations, and Stargate goodies will be given to each participant.

Saturday Afternoon 1400 to 1600

The recruits will be sent on a mission to test their knowledge and courage, and put into practice everything they have learned. They will roam Denvention 3 in a scavenger hunt, trying to find all seven glyphs for a very particular Stargate address.

Saturday Evening 1800

An award ceremony will reward those who deserve it. The best teams will get special Stargate Boot Camp merchandise prices. All the competing teams or individuals who finish the training and the mission will be recognized. Interested? Have we piqued your curiosity? Do you want to know more?

Check out the SG-14 Boot Camp page. to learn more about what is in store if you dare!!

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